Friday, February 12, 2010

Buy A Condom In Mississauga Can A 16 Year Old Buy A Condom In North Carolina?

Can a 16 year old buy a condom in North Carolina? - buy a condom in mississauga

A friend of mine 16 years and the age when they have sex in North Carolina, is 16, but in a store refused to sell condoms, because they said it was 18 years to buy a condom, but I think it is stupid that you can have sex without protection, but it certainly can not have sex until he was 18 years. I think the cashier of the store is wrong ... I think you can buy condoms at 16 ... Does anyone know the answer to this question?


iPod Touch Help said...

it is actually illegal to refuse to condoms to sell to anyone!

Quick Draw said...

I'm pretty sure they are allowed to buy condoms when you have are legal to have sex.

If you have problems or embarrassed, you buy the machine in the bathroom, command line or an older friend to make them for you.

If you have sex, be safe.

fook said...

You should be able to have, especially after 16 years of the agreement. I'm from DC where the age of consent is the same, but could not buy a condom, even if I'm 16th I bought in Canada, where they sell them in the bathrooms.

Write me some time, I'l tell you all this.

you got it said...

I do not understand why some stores do not sell condoms to minors. Theres no age limit, but not to sell the bank. Tell him to buy it elsewhere.

I could not trust the machine while

Me! :- ) said...

You can buy, where by law, at any age. They are objects of the standard platform, not the objects behind the counter.

The voluntary control of designated employees jerk.

: -) Me!

RETRO said...

No, but you can not buy mayonnaise and R Kelly raped

Foot in mouth said...

Our local stores sell anyone responsible enough for the display and for sale.

~ Princess ~ said...

Why do not you buy on the Internet?

Adam said...

Removed to Bath. They sell metal objects.

steveins... said...

Tell him to go to a convience store! Although in my school that were free, but thats SoCal for you!

steveins... said...

Tell him to go to a convience store! Although in my school that were free, but thats SoCal for you!

ronald b said...

go to public health center, it receives no question

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